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2024-05-19 20:04 阅读了




The practice of organ harvesting, also known as "murder for organs," involves killing people and removing their organs to sell on the black market. Many people have heard of this practice, but there is a lot of misinformation and confusion surrounding it. Some people believe that "murder for organs" is a myth, while others believe that it is a widespread problem. In this article, we will examine the facts about organ harvesting and answer the question: "Is murder for organs real?"

What is Organ Harvesting?

Organ harvesting is the act of removing organs from a person's body after they die. This is usually done with the person's consent, and the organs are used for transplants to save other people's lives. However, in some cases, people have been kidnapped or murdered specifically for their organs. These organs are then sold on the black market to people who need transplants. This is known as "murder for organs."

Is Murder for Organs Real?

Yes, murder for organs is a real phenomenon. There have been many reports over the years of people being kidnapped, murdered, and then having their organs removed. These organs are then sold on the black market for huge profits. However, it is important to note that murder for organs is not a widespread problem. It is a relatively rare occurrence, and most organs used for transplants come from donors who have died of natural causes.

Why Does Murder for Organs Happen?

Murder for organs occurs because of a shortage of organs available for transplant. Many people need transplants, but there are not enough organs available to meet the demand. This often leads to long waiting lists and many people dying while they wait for a transplant. As a result, some people turn to the black market to buy organs illegally. This creates a demand for organs, which can lead to people being kidnapped or murdered for their organs.

What is Being Done to Stop Murder for Organs?

The international community has taken steps to stop murder for organs. In 2004, the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted the "Guiding Principles on Human Cell, Tissue, and Organ Transplantation." These principles aim to ensure that all organ transplants are fair, safe, and regulated. Many countries have also passed laws making it illegal to buy or sell organs. However, enforcement of these laws is difficult, and the black market for organs continues to exist.


In conclusion, murder for organs is a real phenomenon, but it is not as widespread as some people believe. Most organs used for transplants come from donors who have died of natural causes. However, the shortage of organs available for transplant can lead people to turn to the black market, which can create a demand for organs and lead to people being kidnapped or murdered. The international community is taking steps to stop this practice, but more needs to be done to ensure that all organ transplants are fair, safe, and regulated.
