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2024-07-10 11:46 阅读了




The “Shao Bing Song” or the “Burning Biscuits Song” has recently become a viral sensation on Chinese video sharing platforms. The song, which tells the story of a student who accidentally burns his breakfast biscuits, has sparked heated debates and discussions among netizens in China. Some people believe that the song is a true story, while others think that it’s just a made-up story. In this article, we’ll explore whether the “Shao Bing Song” is real or fake.

The Storyline

The “Shao Bing Song” tells the story of a student who is busy studying for his upcoming tests. He wakes up early in the morning to prepare his favorite breakfast – biscuits. However, in his rush to get everything done quickly, he accidentally burns them. Feeling disappointed and worried, he rushes out to buy some more biscuits, only to find that they're sold out. The story ends with the student feeling dejected and hungry.

The Debate

The debate over whether the “Shao Bing Song” is true or not has been going on for quite some time now. One group of people believes that the song is based on a true story, while another group thinks that it’s just a fabricated story created to gain attention and publicity. Those who believe that the song is true argue that it reflects the lives of many students in China who are under immense pressure to perform well in their exams and have to sacrifice their personal lives and interests for the sake of their studies.

On the other hand, those who think that the song is fake claim that there’s no evidence to support the story's veracity. They suggest that it’s just a marketing gimmick used to promote the singer and his music. They also point out that the story is too simplistic and lacks any substantial detail, which implies that it wasn't an actual experience but rather a fictional plot that appeals to viewers.

The Verdict

Although the origins of the “Shao Bing Song” remain uncertain, it’s highly likely that the story is a fictional one. While there may be some truth in the emotional turmoil that the student experiences in the song, it's probable that the song was written for artistic and commercial purposes rather than to document an actual event.

However, the song has sparked a debate on the intense academic pressure faced by Chinese students, especially during exam periods. It highlights the need for more emphasis to be placed on mental health and balance in students' daily lives relative to performance only.


The “Shao Bing Song” may not be based on a true story, but its impact on Chinese society cannot be underestimated. It has inspired discussions on the pressures faced by students and reminded us of the importance of balance in life. Whether the song's story is real or fake doesn't change the fact that its message is essential for our society."

  1. Summary: The “Shao Bing Song” or the “Burning Biscuits Song” is a viral sensation on Chinese video sharing platforms. The song has sparked debates among netizens in China regarding its authenticity.
  2. Storyline: It is a story about a student who accidentally burns his breakfast biscuits in his rush to get everything done quickly.
  3. Debate: There’s no evidence to support the story's veracity. Those who believe that the song is true suggest that it reflects the life of many students in China who are under immense pressure, while others think it's a fabricated story created to gain attention and publicity.
  4. The Verdict: Although the origins of the “Shao Bing Song” remain uncertain, it’s highly likely that the story is a fictional one.
  5. Conclusion: The song's message of balance resonates with most individuals and should be taken seriously to benefit our society.