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2024-03-29 01:49 阅读了



元宵节英语怎么说?答案是"Lantern Festival"。元宵节是中国传统节日之一,也是全国团圆喜庆的节日。这个节日在农历正月十五日举行,人们在这一天赏花灯,品尝元宵,共度欢乐时光。

Origins of the Lantern Festival

The origins of the Lantern Festival date back more than 2,000 years. The festival has several legends surrounding its origins. One legend speaks of a palace maid who stole the elixir of life from the Moon Palace and drank it. She flew to the moon and became the lunar goddess Chang'e. To commemorate her, people in ancient times would walk outside with lanterns on this night. There is also another legend about how the Lantern Festival was created to celebrate a victory in a war.

Celebrations of the Lantern Festival

There are many ways to celebrate the Lantern Festival. One way is to hang lanterns, which come in all shapes and sizes, on the streets and in public places. People use colorful silk or paper to make lanterns and paint colorful designs on them.

Another popular celebration is the lion dance. People dress up as lions and perform dances in the streets to the sound of drums and gongs. The lion dance is said to bring good luck and fortune. Eating tang yuan, sweet glutinous rice balls, is also a tradition on the Lantern Festival. Tang yuan represents family unity and completeness.

Modern Celebrations of the Lantern Festival

Toda,y the Lantern Festival is still a major holiday in China. People gather with their families and friends to watch the lanterns, enjoy a meal together, and eat tang yuan. Many cities hold lantern festivals, which can last weeks or even months. These festivals feature large, elaborate lantern displays that showcase Chinese culture and history. The Lantern Festival has also spread to other countries with significant Chinese populations.


The Lantern Festival is an important traditional festival in China that represents family unity, good luck, and happiness. The origins of the festival are important to Chinese culture and people celebrate the holiday in many ways. It is a holiday full of lights, delicious food, and joyous celebrations. The Lantern Festival has become an event celebrated around the world, spreading the beauty and traditions of Chinese culture.
