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2024-07-10 12:44 阅读了



Long-necked and graceful, giraffes are one of the most recognizable animals in the world. But how do you say giraffe in English? Let's explore!

The exact translation

The word giraffe itself is the exact English translation for 长颈鹿 (cháng jǐng lù). The word comes from the Arabic word "zarafa," which means "to hurry" or "to be quick." This is fitting, as giraffes are known for their speed and can run up to 35 miles per hour.

Giraffe appearance

Giraffes are known for their unique appearance, and there are a variety of words to describe their features in English. For example,

  • Long neck: Obviously, giraffes are known for their long necks. In English, you might say someone has a "giraffe-like neck" if they have an elongated neck.
  • Spots: Another distinguishing feature of the giraffe is its spots. In English, the spots are often described as "irregular patches" or "oval shapes."
  • Tongue: Giraffes have famously long tongues, which they use to grab leaves from tall trees. In English, a tongue that is unusually long might be referred to as "giraffe-like."

Giraffes in culture

Giraffes have a special place in many cultures around the world, and there are a variety of words and expressions in English that reference these majestic creatures. For example,

  • Seeing over the horizon: Because giraffes are so tall, they can see over things that are obstructing others' view. In English, if you have a "giraffe's view," it means you have a clear view of something.
  • The tallest animal: Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world, so it's no surprise that they're often used as a point of comparison. For example, if something is "as tall as a giraffe," it's very tall indeed.
  • Giraffe-inspired art: Because of their unique appearance, giraffes have inspired many artists throughout history. From paintings to sculptures, there's no shortage of "giraffe-themed" art in the world.

Overall, giraffes are fascinating creatures that have captured the hearts and imaginations of people around the world. Whether you're admiring their unique appearance or using them as inspiration for your art, there's no doubt that these animals are an important part of our cultural landscape.

So, the next time you see a giraffe, you can confidently say "Look, there's a giraffe!" in English.
